Whats considered "High Grade" oil in a 2-stroke?


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2004 KTM 250 SX

Owners manual says 1:40 or....... 1:60 when using high grade oil....

The manual says Motorex Cross Power 2T as the example for a high grade oil. Is everything theses days high grade?

Sorry, it's been a while since I ran a 2S.
Maxum, ipone, amsoil, whatever your local shop stocks.

60:1 wow. I used to run my CR 250 at 32:1.
Maxum, ipone, amsoil, whatever your local shop stocks.

60:1 wow. I used to run my CR 250 at 32:1.
Lol....i run 140/1 in my Ossa 280 trials bike.But that's a bit different.

D23:talk to your local dealer.
I run 60:1 in my 250xc-w and 50:1 in my RM125. Amsoil interceptor. I'd run a bit richer if the bikes were being used for MX.

i run the same oil in my 2001 cr250 but i run it at 80:1. the bottle says 100:1 but that makes me nervous.
I ran amsoil full synthetic for a year then did a top end rebuild on my ktm 250 exc. then ran maxima formula k2 for a year and did a top end rebuild. The maxima had much better wash markings on the piston, the power valve was less gummed up. I'd highly recomend the maxima formula k2 oil. Its the same oil that pro circuit recommends and used in their mx sx teams in the 2 stroke days
I ran it at 32:1. I'd suggest going to a shop with a dyno and getting it jetted properly to whatever oil mixture you want to run. id suggest the 32:1 or 40:1 area. more oil is always a good thing (as long as its jetted properly)
before the ktm i had a kawi kdx 220 that i took to the dyno to jet properly. Gained 3 hp by jetting properly. 3hp on a 20 hp motor is a lot! super crisp after too...
2004 KTM 250 SX
Owners manual says 1:40 or....... 1:60 when using high grade oil....

The oil container label will tell you
if you use an oil that says good to 100:1 then you can run as lean as your manual says.
some oil say good to 50:1 ..

regular 2 stroke oil is usually good to 50:1.. and high grade says good to 100:1 ... that is my experience
Oh yeah I also run motul in my 125 TM K9 shifter kart and that thing revs like crazy...never had an engine failure ...motul is good stuff
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