What'd you name your bike?


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I know quite a few people that name their bikes/cars. Mostly chick names!

I'll come out first and say I had a female name for my first car; Jade. She caused me so many god damn problems that I said I would never use a female name again.

I like to name my toys after childhood cartoon characters. My current car is Marv, short for Marvin the Martian. My previous bike was Launchpad and my current bike is Ecto.

So let's hear it and what's the reason behind the name?
When it starts right away, "bike".

When it doesn't, "$%#$%#%$#^% bike".

Usually just "bike" though.

haha.. that's a good one.

Now we know that you DO have a bike at least :P
Mine is Aero.
There's a sticker on the side that says "Aero Sport" So Aero it was.
Aero's also my boyfriend lol
That's what we named our baby fetus pig we had to dissect in Biology class in grade 12.

lots of people use that name.
it was the first name that came to my head.
i got a little more creative with my next two.
Current Brunt Orange/Copper GSXR is aptly named Penny, which is short for Penny Truelove...
Mine got named by GF and daughter :rolleyes: scifi geeks both


StormTrooper ......sigh and they are demanding I get one of these...



reality - the soccer van of mcycles ....
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