what would you do

Fix the damn squeak in my wheelchair
I would buy "Massage therapy for Dummies" and get in all the practice I could.
if you were quadriplegic, and were able to have the use of your arms and legs for 10 minutes, what would you do for the 10 minutes

If you're using your time to make this thread on GTAM, at least we won't have to worry about you bumping this thread in 10 minutes.
I'd likely find a length of rope, a stool, and a solid ceiling joist. Come on, there isn't much you can do for yourself when you know those ten minutes are up...
I'd likely find a length of rope, a stool, and a solid ceiling joist. Come on, there isn't much you can do for yourself when you know those ten minutes are up...

Cliffs? It looks like it might be a good read but ain't nobody got time 'fo dat

You really should. At least the part about urinating and defecating. Very eye opening. This is not a joke.
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