What to expect from police in case of stolen motorcycle?



Hello Riders,

Does police help recovering stolen motorcycles if the motorcycle is located /found by owner with GPS? or they just brush it off with an excuse?

I want to know in particular for Regional police like London police, Windsor police in Ontario etc

I will greatly appreciate if someone can share a thought from their experience.


I don't expect any police response to a property crime. If they happen to help, treat that as a bonus. Many precincts in Toronto are operating with <5 officers so sending one or two to deal with a theft recovery often doesnt work as they are all busy. Add in the danger present to the cops and piss poor record of the justice system to deliver meaningful sentences and there is no will to do better.
If my bike was stolen and I knew where it was, I would call my Hamilton Buds and bring on my own form of justice in retrieving it.
Maybe if you can find one that's not hiding in an empty car park somewhere.... police is canada seem to have zero interest in helping/serving the citizens they are paid to serve and protect..

Unless that motorcycle happened to be owned by say a child of a politician or affluent family, there is close to zero chance of the police following up.
There’s no money in it for them. Actually work vs. sit in your car on Farcebook and wait for the next victim
Yeah my expectations of having it found are if
- it turns up at an auction
- it turns up at a crime/crash
- the thief returns it to my parking spot

Otherwise i have no hope to have it found,
This is Canada.
Smarten up.
Your property having been stolen is YOUR fault for having it in the first place.

Obviously.. if your bike is stolen its because of some failure on your part to prevent said theft.

The police are not in the business of reuniting you with your chattel.
Had a friend get his side by side stolen a couple months ago from a fenced in compound (wire snippers) The Thieves were on video for 45 minutes at the location with masks on. One of them happened to drop a health card, and my friend got the license plate number from the video as well. Handed it to police and because they had masks on, the health card was of no use as they couldn't identify it was the guy in the video...and the license plate was a stolen truck. Not much police can do on that. This was the 3rd or 4th time broken into, his shipping container has been cut and opened 3 times...dirt bikes stolen, another video with another license plate and of course that was stolen too. Industrial area in Hamilton, many other business vehicles robbed of tools in the area...... Maybe they would assign an officer to the area over night looking for stolen plates/shady vehicles? Nope, easier to let insurance pay out.
Has insurance paid out on it? If yes,forget about it.
In highschool a guy had his YZ stolen out of the garage while he had the sprocket off. He asked the local Yamaha dealer to let him know if anyone came in looking for the part. Sure enough a known thief came in looking for the sprocket. Centre Hastings OPP still wasn't getting the bike back. A couple weeks later a large brawl broke out at a field party. When all was done the owner had his bike back and the thief was on his way to the hospital to have his jaw/bottom half of his face re-connected. While falling asleep in my tent that night I overheard someone say "I've played soccer my whole life and I've never kicked as hard as I kicked him in the face."

I like to think that career thieves will always get what they deserve eventually.
We had a voluntold in doing community service because he tried to stop some thieves with a baseball bat that were breaking into his property. Thieves got off scott free.
We had a voluntold in doing community service because he tried to stop some thieves with a baseball bat that were breaking into his property. Thieves got off scott free.

Scott free would be inversely proportional to the number of shots from the bat they took.
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