What to do..


New member
Hello there, I am currently a 19 year old male with roughly 3.5 years of driving experience. I have my G, and only my M1. I live in the Oshawa area and go to school up in Sudbury. I am looking to get insurance on my 1978 Yamaha xs750 for only July and August with occasional riding, once a week, or once every two weeks. Does anyone know how much that could cost? Or how the cost would change if I take the M1 road course and get my M2? I appreciate any and all replies, I'm a new rider just trying to figure out my expenses. Thank you.
I am by no means a insurance expert, but I think you have to get insurance for the entire year now on motorcycles.
I recommend you call a few insurance brokers and obtain quotes.
Try Dalton Timmis, they specialize in old bikes.
Hello there, I am currently a 19 year old male with roughly 3.5 years of driving experience. I have my G, and only my M1. I live in the Oshawa area and go to school up in Sudbury. I am looking to get insurance on my 1978 Yamaha xs750 for only July and August with occasional riding, once a week, or once every two weeks. Does anyone know how much that could cost? Or how the cost would change if I take the M1 road course and get my M2? I appreciate any and all replies, I'm a new rider just trying to figure out my expenses. Thank you.

My advice is the same I give to everyone.

Call brokers see what they say.

Your M2 road test will reduce your cost and turning 25 will reduce it even more.

My suggestion is to sit and wait. Save the money you would spend a year on insurance. That will let you start your RSP or top your TSFA. They money you save will cover at least a 2-4 year of insurance at 25.
How much you ride won't drastically affect your rates. Call brokers to get real prices, but I would expect at least a few thousand per year. For just July and August, I would be very surprised if you could get insurance for less than $600 (minimum retained premiums/most expensive moths of the year may come into play).
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