Quick question. I have just bought my first bike. The bike is a kawasaki ninja 250r with 6000k on it.It was said on the paper that there were 5 owners before me. The most recent owner only had it for a month. The bike has been done safety from the seller, but it sounds like he did some under the table stuff. The seller does not know much about the bike since he only did own it for one month and rode it for only 300k. He did not ask the previous owners for any maintenance work done before. My friend (6 year rider) looked at the bike and everything looks okay. But should I personally take it into a garage myself and get everything looked at again right away? Like things I do not know how to personally check (engine, oil change, filter, etc.). Or should I wait till the end of this riding season (2.5 months) till I get everything all done at once from a garage? Thanks!