what made this bike dive nose first? | GTAMotorcycle.com

what made this bike dive nose first?

The shape of the takeoff ramp.

it kicked the rear wheel when the front was already in the air.

Sitting down cause the suspension to compress and then rebound, kicking the rear high

the rider should have been standing up to deal with the suspension compression

He also chopped the throttle, if he twisted it wide open, the momentum of the rear wheel would cause the rear of the bike to drop

the dude didn't have a clue, and got bit.
Exactly what reciprocity said. That ramp was too steep and short and kicked to hit it at much speed. Compressed the suspension which then kicked on the rebound with the front in the air. If you guys listen to mx bikes flying through the air you'll hear them rev up that's to bring the nose up. We can also tap the rear brake to bring the nose down. Had a situation last week where I followed the wrong rut in to a corner then up the face of a jump and hit the kicker on the take off. Basic operation then is pin the throttle and lean back as far as you can. Of course everyone then turns their head at thesound of the panic rev since usually that means somethin is about to get nasty. Throttle also brings the back end back in line if it gets kicked to the side or to bring a scrub back in line for landing.
And was going WAY to fast.
Even if he did stick it, there was absolutely not enough room to brake before smacking into the green fence.
He gets 2 ijit points.

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