What kind of drugs do you think this driver was on?


Well-known member
Left the gf's place yesterday and saw this WTF

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wow ! i'd be speechless if I saw this.
A cellphone - I would have to say it has drug-like effects on drivers and is apparently really addictive.

`Seen something similar to this a few times before and it always turned out to be someone on their phone (or falling asleep). Except for the random signal to the right part.
On the phone. I see stuff like that daily and they are always on the phone. Or getting a bj..
I saw a driver yesterday making a left hand turn at a major intersection, it was divided by the median. I don't know what he was thinking but he went into the oncoming lane as if he was making a right hand turn. Thankfully no cars were there and he pulled back.
Signal right go left into oncoming traffic. WAT
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