im done with razors they p1ss me off lol. what shaver do u recommend thats easy to use and needs near zero maintenance? i dont mind spending a few hundred bucks on it.
I have super-think facial hair. Ive tried a few brands and found none that can penetrate my thick hair. I had to go back to razor.
^ u 2 above just dont let it grow long then u wont have this problem. but i get that some people like to leave some hair on.
My 5 o'clock shadow starts at noon.
You can get a straight razor setup for about 20 bucks at any barber supply. The one that I used to go to in Scarb. closed, so I've been going to the TBBS at dundas & bay (although I'm sure there are some in Scarb.)I'm in the same boat.
I've even been flirting with the idea of using a straight razor. Don't really know where to begin with that though.
No offense dude, but maybe you chose to buy some crappy blades (which are pretty hard to find at a decent barber store), and you probably had no clue what you were doing. I swear "actual" straight razors are so much sharper.The one shown above with the replaceable blades are utterly garbage and can cut your face up if you use the wrong type of blades/cutting technique.
I tried the razor shown above for 1 month and then switched to an actual straight razor.
No offense dude, but maybe you chose to buy some crappy blades (which are pretty hard to find at a decent barber store), and you probably had no clue what you were doing. I swear "actual" straight razors are so much sharper.
find that a lot of people who cut themselves don't break the blade in half properly (so it loads up crooked), or they just load it up crooked to begin with.
That's a fair point and I'd be willing to admit it...but grown men of all races & hair types still use straight razors with disposable blades and get great results. I'm not saying yours isn't better; I'm saying it doesn't always/necessarily need to be.No offense dude, but even using quality Derby or Feather DE blades, disposables are still crap in comparison to the real thing. The only decent disposable is Feather AC and that one requires delicate touch for a proper shave. You might be having an easy time because you're not out of your teens yet, but once you get past your mid-20's, you will notice a HUGE difference.
I use the Philips Coolskin Electric Shaver .. it can be used in the shower and also uses a cartridge for putting shaving gel onto your face while shaving.
You mean that sticky stuff that you need to remove with an industrial degreaser? I once forgot to bring my shaving soap and had to use my father in law's Fusion gel.. It left a lot of residue on my razor which took a bit of alcohol and elbow grease to remove.
All that scientific research went into products that don't give you any improvements over the original. Even if disposables save you a bit of time over a straight razor shave, you'll get a better shave out of a DE (double edge) razor and blades that last as long as modern cartridges cost you 10-100 times less. Oh, and they stay the same all the time so you don't need to buy a new handle next time they come up with a new gimmick.
How do you even take care of the straight razors?
Where do you get the stuff required to perform 1?.. and 3?
Can ebay do the job for those accessories?