What does "with ownership" mean?!

It means the seller actually has the ownership document for it. For some reason in the off-road world, ownership documents go missing/lost/never registered, etc. Annoying, b/c you'll need it to get a green plate if that's the plan (will need it for insurance to legally ride Ganny, Simcoe Forest, etc).
Extra hoops to jump through with MTO if you don't have an ownership and want to get one. Lots are sold without ownership every day, just depends on what your plan is with the bike.
Only means the bike has been registered in Ontario or elsewhere with either an on- road (blue) or off-road (green) plate.
What Douma said.

Dirtbikes sometimes have a dubious ownership trail. Often, somewhere along that trail, the bikes paperwork may have gone missing for whatever reason - the bike was traded several times, someone bought it and just never wanted to plate it so they just tossed the paperwork vs actually transferring it into their name and having to pay the taxes, etc etc.

Or worse, it could be stolen....perhaps long, long ago...but that's a not all uncommon reason for a dirtbike to be sold without papers.

Something coming WITH ownership papers is a good thing. It's even better if the name on them is actually of the person selling you the bike...not 4 owners ago and it's changed hands a bunch of times but nobody actually wanted to pay the taxes so they never changed it. ;)

You can check the VIN against the IBC's database here:

You can check it against CPIC's stolen VIN database here:

Both are free, and very worthy of your time in any purchase situation, especially private purchases.
Yeah these guys nailed it. You'll find that with most used older Motocross bikes, someone has lost the ownership along the way. Ownership/insurance/offroad green plate is not required for mx track use or riding on private property. Only legal trails like mentioned above require it. Many dirt bike owners usually ride mx tracks/or places they realistically shouldn't be (trespassing), or on private property/private tracks so they don't see a need to register the bikes. Also of course when you register, you would have to pay taxes so they don't usually bother.

I've bought and sold many with and without ownership. Usually riding on private property or the MX track. If your plan is legal trails like the Ganny, try to find a bike WITH an ownership to avoid the hassle of being issued a new one.
lol Do you realize how many non-plated, non-insured motorcycles were competing in the Corduroy Enduro this past weekend!
lol Do you realize how many non-plated, non-insured motorcycles were competing in the Corduroy Enduro this past weekend!

Not sure that was a requirement of the event was it? I know you're supposed to be plated to ride back on the roads if you were DNF though.
Oh, and what a grand time it was !
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