What do you make of this??


Well-known member
So there I am..walking through the midway of the local ribfest..and I see this on the back of a truck. Now, is this child-appropriate?!? Cuz I just don't know...

i dont know..... even as an adult i would be hard pressed to get my mind to go "there" right away.

get your minds out of the gutters peoples!!!
there is nothing wrong with that image...now why you automatically went the dirty way is something to be looked into
I see a bear holding a big pink slushy.....

What do you think of this then without the bear? Again I see simply 2 pink slushies, do you see 2 of something else?
It's a joke here folks..let's not overanalyze!! LOL!!
Wow, I'm perverted and I didn't even see anything dirty about the bear and slushy...
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