Well this will make you think twice about riding with no helmet | GTAMotorcycle.com

Well this will make you think twice about riding with no helmet


Guy straps a GoPro onto his buddies bike, riders not wearing a helmet, tries what looks like is a power wheelie. Ends badly. He survived, but head trauma.

Having been down before myself, the sound and camera angle really made my stomach turn.


Maybe seeing this will save someone the same fate.
Damn! :shock:

Those GoPros are tough little video cameras!
^^ how so? it never hit the ground, in fact it was mounted ****** that as soon as he mousetrapped it angled down...

and no, thats a really ****** video showing nothing....i want 6 min of my life back.

btw, what the hell did he do to crash?? i still cant figure out what made him crash.
Did I watch the right video? The one I watched had the camera on the bike and don't show anything.
Did I watch the right video? The one I watched had the camera on the bike and don't show anything.

Ya I was thinking the same thing, It showed absolutely nothing other then the emergency crews had to come....
Crazy i waited 6mins for nothing....i saw i guy run into his house that was the best part of the video:confused:
People, if we can learn any lesson from this video it's this : If you ever come across a wreck blocking the road, first check on the rider, notify emergency personnel, then for god's sake spin the bike around to capture some better footage! If you watch the 9 min. video carefully though you can actually see that one blade of grass in the background grow 1/8 of an inch.
Please delete this thread!! :-/
i agree.... what a waste........

i've pulled a bigger wheelie riding through a pothole :confused:

unless he got scared and pulled the front brake really hard I don't get it.
But it doesn't show anything anyhow...

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