Wave or not wave


It was a beautiful November day (17 degrees C) so I decided to take the bike out even though I have only ridden once since getting my M1 on my new bike. I am riding along and one guy waved at me so I just nodded my head because I was turning on a main street - I hope he wasn't insulted. Coming out of a corner I waved at this Guy with his wife on the back...he's driving a cruiser. I wave...he looks at me....and turns away bitterly.

I am a beginner so pardon me here. Do you wave first or do you wait for the other guy to wave? I realize there will always be snobs out on the road :)
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Welcome! Ton of threads on this topic and a quick search will answer your questions. At the end of the day, some people wave, some nod, others don't bother. Likewise, some people are sensitive to not receiving return waves while others couldn't care less. My advice is to be a friendly member of the latter.
Hi thanks, I searched under "waving"and didn't find much. I will refine it a bit better next time....thank you for the response :)
but don't risk crashing to wave. I have seen guys almost lose it, so that I don't wave at guys just pulling away for example.
Is it spring already? Short answer wait for them to wave first as they are also waiting for you to wave first.
Was it a red kawasaki ninja 500 that waved at you?
Wave whenever you can, when its safe to do so.

There is tonnes of douchebagery on the roads so don't take it personally when someone doesn't wave.

Also...I'm not sure about others here but many times I have been so fixated with something ahead of me I didn't even notice another bike until it was too late to wave, from their perspective it may have looked as if I intentionally ignored them! So there are many reasons one does not wave back or acknowledge you and most respectable riders know this and I hope would not take any offence to no wave back in some situations.
Wave or just nod is fine. Just don't wave like your making a right turn. That can lead to serious confusion.
one more thread on this and it goes to middle fingers.

Or in the case of a 2-lane street, a clothesline.

I'm still tempted to call troll on this one.
I usually wave when it's safe to do so, usually straight line, if you are turning or holding clutch then just nod,
It was a yellow bike...didn't notice it looked like a Ninja 500 though, you're right. Thanks for the responses - I found a poll on waving and it was interesting to see how people feel about it. I asked the question in the noobie thread, to see how other noobs deal with it. No trolling here...just bad searching - my bad!
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