Water pump swap.


New member
Hi Guys,

Im new to this fourm and in need of some advice. I'm having difficulty swping out my water pump on a 99 R6. I can't seem to get the hoses off the old pump.

Any suggestions?


Loosen the clamp entirely and apply brute force. :-) Seriously, they bake on. You can try very gently lifting up the hose around the water pump inlet/outlet with a small screwdriver or just simply work on twisting the hose back and forth until you break the bond between the hose and the alu housing. Try not to damage/tear the hose or you'll have to get a new one.
Thanks for responding to my post. Using brute force and screwdriver worked like a charm, making short work out of those hoses. Had the old pump out, and the new one in within a half hour.

Much appreciated.

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