Wasaga Beach - Saturday, August 13


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Will probably head through Forks and Hockely and head up to Barrie (not wasaga). Good ride for Newbies, M1 friendly. If anyone has any suggestions to add on to the route up to Barrie (not wasaga), they are more than welcome. Depending on who wants to join will depend where and when we meet. I'd like to meet no later than around 9 though.

**Don't know how to change title of thread
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:) but seriously mavelick wont come back ... riding oneway .. the group rides back :) Gambit lets do the forks !!!!
:) but seriously mavelick wont come back ... riding oneway .. the group rides back :) Gambit lets do the forks !!!!

I'll confirm tonight, just trying to sort out some stuff.
Not 100% sure what time i'm heading back yet. Might not come back til sunday but if enough people come out there will be people to ride back with. I'll have more details in a few hours.

OpenGambit if u come, u and godsd3vil can ride back together. We will still go through forks on way up there. I was in the forks today and there was tons of cruisers. Hopefully tomorrow may be better cuz we'd be running the forks in the morning.
LOL! You either want to ride or you don't! Wasn't it you who said he needed practice because he has a test coming up!? LMAO!
Id never get pulled over.. safe and slow rider :P .... Also I just didnt consider two bikes a group thats all ... otherwise riding with gambit and you guys was fun !!! Gambit ride with me to brampton test center !! I want to practice there !!
Id never get pulled over.. safe and slow rider :P

Thats hilarious, i think i remember seeing a front tire go above the height of my taillight as we did 120km+ down hwy 10. Neal and Gil remember it for sure!
Wasaga Run canceled for me. Heading to Barrie now. Can still go through Forks and Hockley though.
Mods please delete this thread, entire ride cancelled. Plans have changed.

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