Wanted: Yamaha yz/wr 400/426/450 Exhaust


Looking for an exhaust for my Yamaha wr the stocker was gutted and welded by the last owner and it sounds terrbile not to mention its extemely silent and theres one to many people who dont notice me and its verrrrry thhhhcaary out there haha So im looking for perferably an aftermarket exhaaust though a stock from a yz should be loud enough to make some noise to so i wouldnt say not to one... i believe the years 99-03 for my wr had interchangable parts so im sure an exhaust from any of the years will slip on just fine with some minor adjusments to the plastics so if you have one lying around or know anyone that does feel free to post a message for send a private inbox XD if you really have one and really wanna let me have it you can inbox me a number for less wasted time (: thanks guy~! :lmao::mad::mad::mad::eek::lmao:
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