Want to borrow friend's bike for m2 exit course


New member
So I have my M2 is expiring and I've decided to take the M2 exit course. I sold my bike 2 years ago and I was planning on borrowing a friend's bike (to practise and use for the m2 exit course). My friend's bike is insured. I don't have any motorcycle insurance but I do have auto insurance. If I borrow my friend's bike and have his ownership and insurance papers with my while riding, am I good to go? Is this legal? am i covered by insurance in case something happens? If not, can anyone give me some tips on what I can do to get coverage while riding my friend's bike? Thanks everyone
For the safety of you both, I would suggest that he call his insurance and find out if this is OK. Sounds like it is, but it does also depend on what license he has. If he is a full M, then they may not want M1 or M2 riders on the bike without a rate increase. Better safe than sorry.
As long as he has ins and you are over 25 you are good to go. On another note make sure everything is working on your friends bike. Lights, brake lights, signals, horn etc. If any of these things are not working they will not let you do the course.
The insurance is on the bike, not the rider. This allows your friend to loan out his bike or car to friends/relatives, etc. It is legally enough that your friend has insurance on the bike (ie. if police ask to see the insurance slip).

You will be covered if involved in an accident on your friend's bike provided that the insurance is paid up.

What isn't allowed is you using the bike frequently and not being on the insurance policy. This is to stop friends or relatives from being used to get lower rates on another person's behalf.
The insurance is on the bike, not the rider. This allows your friend to loan out his bike or car to friends/relatives, etc. It is legally enough that your friend has insurance on the bike (ie. if police ask to see the insurance slip).

You will be covered if involved in an accident on your friend's bike provided that the insurance is paid up.

What isn't allowed is you using the bike frequently and not being on the insurance policy. This is to stop friends or relatives from being used to get lower rates on another person's behalf.

Thanks. Good to know.
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