Wall Street Occupation / Protests


Well-known member
I don't know if many of you know about the multi-country protests happening outside the Wall Street facilities in various cities. There's been a complete media blackout regarding the protests. It's not being reported in any major media, and of recently, there's been an escalation by the police departments attempting to provoke the occupation/protests into violence. Including fencing off protesters, pepper spraying them, and then just walking away.

If you're interested, you can read about it here (https://occupywallst.org/), or do various searches regarding it, as you won't hear much about it on the news.

In summary, I believe the goals of protesters are to bring to attention, and hold accountable the major banks that were responsible for the sub-prime fraud that brought down the economy, the activities of the Federal Reserve, as well as the greed and manipulation involving white collar crime that alot of these businesses practices. I believe another grievance is that taxation of lower income earners, while the wealthy refuse to be taxed. I won't claim to know much about the movement, but I do not know that it's growing, and it still hasn't been reported in major media.
Will there be a "The Women of Occupy Wall St." pictorial in the next issue of Maxim?

Frankly, I'm surprised people in that country haven't hit the streets with torches and pitchforks yet. I guess they're so brainwashed and pacified by television that they'll just about go along with anything. Their country has been stolen from them while they've elected idiots to represent them. But they keep watching reality television and getting fatter.
Frankly, I'm surprised people in that country haven't hit the streets with torches and pitchforks yet. I guess they're so brainwashed and pacified by television that they'll just about go along with anything. Their country has been stolen from them while they've elected idiots to represent them. But they keep watching reality television and getting fatter.

I don't think most people have the slightest understanding of the things that contributed to the housing market crash and everything that followed.

And I don't think media is in a rush to shed light on the subject either.
I don't think most people have the slightest understanding of the things that contributed to the housing market crash and everything that followed.

And I don't think media is in a rush to shed light on the subject either.

Why would they be? If the media actually told the truth about what's going on, it would certainly hurt the ratings of "I'm pregnant and 16", or "Pawn Stars", or whatever else they're feeding to the brain dead these days.
I really think it best that the government own all the businesses..it only makes sense..
freeking commies, shouldn't you be out voting NDP or something?
Spot on, man. Spot on.

Frankly, I'm surprised people in that country haven't hit the streets with torches and pitchforks yet. I guess they're so brainwashed and pacified by television that they'll just about go along with anything. Their country has been stolen from them while they've elected idiots to represent them. But they keep watching reality television and getting fatter.
More information here and some local activity: http://www.whatis-theplan.org/forum.

I don't claim to be anywhere near an expert on the issues discussed, but anyone who is conscious should be able to see that governments aren't acting in the best interest of the people. Do some research for yourself and form your own opinions about what is going on in the world. People need to open their eyes and realize that mainstream media isn't reporting all the facts.


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