VP race fuel in the city?


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Does anyone know of any VP race fuel dealers in the GTA? Hopefully someone that stocks C16 fuel?

Id be interested in other brands also, but I need 114-117 octane fuel
Pro6 Cycle.

Just called, and got laughed at because Im looking for C16 for a 26cc scooter lol

Anyways they don't stock it, so Id have to order a pail and take a few days or weeks

Any other suggestions?

Im trying to find the place I used to buy it from years ago, it was a drag racing shop in the GTA Rolling thunders I think was the name. They used to carry 55 gallon drums of 5-10 different Vp fuels at all times. I used to bring my own jerry can and buy by the liter...Cant seem to find them anymore
Call Bondi Engines in Aurora, he has VP fuel in stock, I dont know what flavor of VP

call Chris 905-727-4057
Thanks but so far none of the above stock anything that I can use, all would have to order it in..
Mississauga engines in streetsville used to carry race fuel back in the day. Not even sure if they're still around to be honest.
I've used my bazzaz with leaded fuel for a few laps and removed it after mapping so it didn't damage the sensor. You still need to have your bike tuned prior to actually take advantage of the fuel. Your a/f ratio is only part of it, playing with the ignition advancement isn't something that can be done with a PC/Bazzaz and shouldn't be done by TAFB roadside special.
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