Virago 250 making a rattle noise from the engine

Was riding home on the 401 on my little 250cc today. Suddenly it felt like I lost power, and since I was at about 200kms since my last fill up I figured I must be on empty, so I flipped it into reserve mode.

Stopped for gas at the next station and when I got home I heard a rattler at the engine. Any ideas what this could be? Like a rattler-thump-scratch
Nothing good normally.

Did it still feel down on power after you flipped it to res?
Power came back after putting it on reserve. I actually put it on prim accidentally and moved it back to regular when I put gas in. Had an oil change two weeks ago.
So, took the bike out on a good ride today. I think the rattle was in my mind and I lost power because of running low on gas. #rookiemove
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