

over the last week or so i have developed a vibration on my bike the handle bars vibrate at about 120kmph at 4000rpm
also felt in the foot pegs
the bike is a zg1000
ant sudgestions
wheel bearings look ok
Does the vibration go away if you're in a different gear? Is it rpm dependent? You can also try pulling the clutch in when you're at 120km/h. If the vibration goes away with the clutch pulled in then it's not due to the engine. Could be the wheels are out of balance.
tried he clutch it does ease the vibration when you pull it at speed
the vibration is wores between 4 to 5000rpm in all gears
So, you've synched carbs and you have bar ends installed that should absorb small "buzzing". Does the vibration have a high amplitude percussive feel to it, like something is being pounded by the rotation of the engine? Or is the feel of the vibration more like a low amplitude buzz through the bars and foot pegs?

On my BMW K-bike, it is common for rubber parts, such as dampers in the driveline and alternator coupling, to wear with age and deteriorate. This causes all sorts of percussive vibration in the bike that can be felt in the handlebars and footpegs. It clears up with the rubber dampers are replaced. Just throwing out ideas.
its a low ampitude buzz , as the rpm increases so does the vibration
i will look at the mounts again in case ive missed anything
wheel balance next on the list,
at this stage i will try anything
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