I have a local guy on my Instagram that rides, he doesn't ride street anymore so I haven't seen him in person in a while, anyways he was a heavy smoker. Now he VAPE's, and it looks like Vaping has taken over his life. I almost feel like deleting him, because evey 5 minutes he posts pic and video of "rigs" "oil" "coils" "clouds" etc etc etc.
It makes me wonder if that much Vaping really better then a smoke or 2 a day? I guess it depends on what you are using for an "oil"
Either way I cant wrap my head around it, it seems like ditching one habbit for another that is less harmful, but is there any real regulation currently on what you are actually vaping? Personally I quit smoking cigarettes cold turkey 6 or more years ago. Well kinda I went cold turkey for a few months, then I had one and it made me so sic I almost puked, after that I have not had one since...And I started smoking in elementary school, I used to ride my bicycle to The Lone Star when it used to be at Square1, just outside the bathroom they had a cigarette vending machine...LOL
I guess its not just the actual Vaping, but the rest of it can turn into a hobby too with building mod boxs, wrapping your own coils, etc
Some of my friends have also tried it to kick smoking, but loose interest or the vape machine shopped working or was too much hassle and they got fed up with it and just went back to the death sticks