Vanoss Gamin: $1.1 million/month for this?

Princess's Man say: Vanoss Gaming on youtube makes $1.1 million/month (according to Maclean's)?! :confused2::shock: You must be joking!

This makes Justin Bieber's earnings for 2013-14 of $88 million seem justified. At least the Biebs puts some effort and has some talent. And no, Princess's Man is not a Biebs fan, but Princess's Man thinks his body is getting very manly and sexy. :happy5::love1::albino:

Da fuq did I just watched?
You clicked on that? haha, get out there and ride.....
You clicked on that? haha, get out there and ride.....

I rode all day yesterday. My wrists & knees are sore. I probably need an old man's bike ;)

Sent from my tablet using my paws
Just do stupid **** and add a laugh track. It's worked for shock jocks for decades.
Whoaaaa, I must have reached the corner of the internet? Is this a game or what? Or dude just makes these videos in a video video maker progmrame what u call it and people watch it on youtube
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Whoaaaa, I must have reached the corner of the internet? Is this a game or what? Or dude just makes these videos in a video video maker progmrame what u call it and people watch it on youtube

from what i understand he makes videos of doing silly stuff in games... people are entertained by it, he and youtube makes money
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