Unicorn passport

Not that I've even been to Turkey, but I feel like it would be one of those places that is a lot harder to get out of than get into. Like the time I walked across the border to Mexico from Arizona. It was all smiles and 'welcome senior' - And then a 2 hour wait and semi interrogation to come back.
Other than collecting the $20 USD "entry visa" fee they don't really care what or who you are.
did someone say..... Unicorns?

did someone say..... Unicorns?


tell me where you are so i can drive over there and slap you one upside the mellon for posting that *****
i have a strong feeling that this isnt the whole story.

when travelling with my cousin, he brought his travel bear, with a "passport".
the customs guy willingly stamped it when the teddy bear the his turn going through customs.
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