Un readable sign? | GTAMotorcycle.com

Un readable sign?


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I parked under a sign post with three signs. One said paid parking 8:00AM to 6:00PM. It was about 7:00PM. Another sign was no stopping from 7AM to 9AM. The top sign was totally faded. There was a little black arrow in the lower left corner. Result $60.00 ticket. STAND SIGNED HIGHWAY DURING PROHIBITED (TIMES / DAYS)

Other than option 3 do I have any recourse? Option 3 is to go to parking tag operations and dispute the ticket.

Does disputing get an immediate response or just open the door for another wasted day in my life?
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Dispute the ticket. Take a picture ASAP and don't forget to make sure that the picture is time-stamped.
Agreed. You want a picture of the sign, showing that it's unreadable. An unreadable or obstructed sign is a reason for having many tickets dropped.
The cost of justice. Take a half day of work to fight it or pay the blackmail. You can't argue it over the phone or by mail. Present in person only at some out of my way joint where I'd probably have to pay to park. HTA 172 and this BS. What bothers me the most is the heading on the ticket refers to Ontario Court of Justice.
So what is the top sign supposed to say that makes it so you can't park there? From the other 2 it looks like you should've been fine...

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