UK using polygraphs to reduce false claims

Hang on...You complain about Nanny states but this is private companies doing this(Started with admiral and AXA i think)...this also isn't a polygraph it would be a voice Analyser that would look for patterns of stress in the voice. Its then used to determine if more investigation is needed along with other factors.

If it works, and honestly I doubt its efficacy, great! insurance fraud causes the rest of us money.
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What's gonna happen when that algorithm throws a false positive and you end up being investigated for insurance fraud for no reason?

That happens all the time anyway. They will deeply investigate a number of claims for any number of reasons. Some will probably be at random. We aren't talking a criminal investigation only a deeper investigation of the claim at hand. If that claim then results in allegations of fraud it will then be moved along to the proper authorities.
You can add most European countries to that list:rolleyes:

western european countries. Those whacky people in the east still know how to have a good time.
Nannies are created due to the fact that the government/corporations want to cover their ***** for liability reasons. By far, North America is the most litigious society. Western Europe is far less, not even worth talking about east.
Nannies are created due to the fact that the government/corporations want to cover their ***** for liability reasons. By far, North America is the most litigious society. Western Europe is far less, not even worth talking about east.

Insurance companies have to cover their *** for liability reasons. Thats how insurance works its also smart business sense to CYA.
Make it mandatory for all Brampton claims and they might have a chance at not being in the top 5 of the worst insurance premium areas in Canada.
western european countries. Those whacky people in the east still know how to have a good time.

Yes, should have added 'western' in front.
Bureaucracy here is nothing compared to Belgium and Germany.
Just as an example that is close to our hearts, in Germany you cannot put or change anything on your bike unless it is approved by the TÜV and noted in your ownership papers.
Also your vehicle has to pass a certification check regularly (IIRC every 2 years or so).
Just as an example that is close to our hearts, in Germany you cannot put or change anything on your bike unless it is approved by the TÜV and noted in your ownership papers.
Also your vehicle has to pass a certification check regularly (IIRC every 2 years or so).

You don't think that makes sense in country where you can hop on the Nurburgring for giggles and commute home on der Autobahn at 300km/hr?
Nannies are created due to the fact that the government/corporations want to cover their ***** for liability reasons. By far, North America is the most litigious society. Western Europe is far less, not even worth talking about east.

This also has to do with the differences in law. Precedent law like we have here does not exist in a lot of European countries.
You don't think that makes sense in country where you can hop on the Nurburgring for giggles and commute home on der Autobahn at 300km/hr?

I know you're joking, nut I'll respond anyways.
I never said it doesn't make sense, but I'm sure you can imagine what people would say around here if our government would do the same.
Besides it's the same in other countries that do have speed limits.
...and last but not least the sections of the Autobahn without a speed limit are get fewer and fewer and there's photo radar all over the place.
They sit on the bridges take your picture of you driving so you get you demerit points and there is no fighting it in court.
What's gonna happen when that algorithm throws a false positive and you end up being investigated for insurance fraud for no reason?

But If you have nothing to hide herp de derp de derp
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