UFC Ticket Prices


Well-known member
So I checked out the post for UFC tix in the For Sale section and I'm curious, what's the demand like for the UFC fight? A guy at work was trying to peddle 2 tickets for $1000 at about the same location as the tickets here. So that's $500 a piece versus $250 a piece here. The guy here is not selling at that price. I don't know about the guy at work. My question to those in the know or who follow this stuff, what's the demand for these things? Is this the Buffalo Bills all over again where they tried to charge $300 a piece and didn't sell anything? Or is there a legit demand driving up prices over face value? Just curious..
Toronto and Montreal are MMA hotbeds. The shows are guaranteed sellouts. UFC can pack an entire arena up here that's why they bother to make the trip.
Legit...but better deals can be had than the guy selling at work (although he still has a pretty good chance of selling for that price the week before the fight). I'm not big into MMA but a good majority of my buddies are. Even everyday girls (read: non-butch) were going all out trying to get tickets at the last fight. Part of the demand/reason for tickets selling out so quick is that people are even traveling from other provinces just to see the fights.
Pardon my ignorance but whats the appeal in 2 guys beating each other to a pulp?
Pardon my ignorance but whats the appeal in 2 guys beating each other to a pulp?

It gives a bunch of bored people heroes to cheer for haha.
Pardon my ignorance but whats the appeal in 2 guys beating each other to a pulp?

Lol, I thought it was two guys hugging and wrestling. George Takei likes to wrestle with Brad as foreplay....
lol, can't wait for this to become a flame thread
Lol, I thought it was two guys hugging and wrestling. George Takei likes to wrestle with Brad as foreplay....

Oh no you dit-ent!!!!

Pardon my ignorance but whats the appeal in 2 guys beating each other to a pulp?

Same as watching a bunch of guys ice skate with sticks, or kick a ball around, or throw a ball in a hoop... etc etc.
Same as watching a bunch of guys ice skate with sticks, or kick a ball around, or throw a ball in a hoop... etc etc.

But all of the mentioned sports do not involve beating each other like crap
I want to know why they moved it to the ACC from Rogers Centre, there's less seating.

(And I'm super peeved because I don't have to pay for tickets at Rogers. Last fight was worth the free entry and VIP booth at least. Only the Homminck fight was entertaining.)

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