This is what I'll recommend because I did it and it helped me a lot, find a neighborhood that is very close to you that is slightly on the quiet side or wake up around 5-6am before it gets busy to practice. 1 week i got my bike I woke up at 6am and rode in my neighborhood, I made sure I went to a street with a lot of stop sign and practice my full stop, and my turning, 1st day it was a bit rough because I can't handle the bike that well yet, 2nd day everything went very well and smooth. Keep doing that for a few more days until you are comfortable with right hand & left turn and coming to full stop. You should most likely get pretty comfortable in 3 days.
Like most people say on this site, practice practice practice, have fun and stay safe, don't go onto the big/main street until you are comfortable and ready, because pressure from other driver can make you do a lot of things that you normally wouldn't do =).