Turn Signal trouble on Ninja 250 '11

What's up. I'm a new rider and chose to be a dumb new rider and try and exchange a beat up fairing on my bike. Well, I must have done something while reconnecting my left turn signal, because now it doesn't light up in the front. The rear one lights up but doesn't blink, and the same goes for the indicator on the dash. When I switch on the right signals, everything works perfectly. Any thought's about what this might be?
The connector for the front front left signal isn't making contact. Play with the connector easy fix.
Thanks alot. I'll try to mess with it some more. If that doesn't work I'll test out the bulb to see if it's dead. I wonder why the rear one won't blink though...
That's how it let's you know something is wrong my exes 250 was a real pita to get the plugs to reconect if you took them apart.

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Aight, so I tried messing with the connector a little more; no dice. Then I sprayed some of that anti-corrosive stuff (I don't know what the heck it is) onto the attachment; nothing. Finally, I resorted to removing the left AND right bulbs and switching them. Aha! Right one acts stupid, left one fine. Looks like I'll be purchasing a new bulb. Why it would quit all of the sudden is still a mystery.
Aight, so I tried messing with the connector a little more; no dice. Then I sprayed some of that anti-corrosive stuff (I don't know what the heck it is) onto the attachment; nothing. Finally, I resorted to removing the left AND right bulbs and switching them. Aha! Right one acts stupid, left one fine. Looks like I'll be purchasing a new bulb. Why it would quit all of the sudden is still a mystery.

Could connecting the positive to the negative and vice versa cause the connection to short out? Heard it was bad to do that to your battery as well :P
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