The bike had been parked idle for a little over a couple of weeks. I went to turn it on yesterday and it would not start. I brought the battery home and plugged it in the charger. It did charge. The charger was blinking red which told me that the battery was low. Then it turned green.
I brought the battery into the bike and I was able to turn it on no problem. I did not ride it.
Today I turned it on (no problem.) I let it warm up for a few minutes then as I began to ride, while in first gear, I reached some 5k RPM's and it died. I let it rest for about 10 minutes, and it did turn back on. Same thing happened a second time.
Does not seem to want to run.
I did notice that when I touched the engine portion, it was quiet hot. More than what you would expect becasue it had only been on for a tiny bit.
There are no leaks as far as I can tell.
Is this a problem with the battery? I left it in the charger for 3 hrs yesterday. Maybe it needs a good 12 hour overnight charge?
I brought the battery into the bike and I was able to turn it on no problem. I did not ride it.
Today I turned it on (no problem.) I let it warm up for a few minutes then as I began to ride, while in first gear, I reached some 5k RPM's and it died. I let it rest for about 10 minutes, and it did turn back on. Same thing happened a second time.
Does not seem to want to run.
I did notice that when I touched the engine portion, it was quiet hot. More than what you would expect becasue it had only been on for a tiny bit.
There are no leaks as far as I can tell.
Is this a problem with the battery? I left it in the charger for 3 hrs yesterday. Maybe it needs a good 12 hour overnight charge?