Anyone know of a tree removal company in the KW area? The storm took out a big olive tree and two big limbs off other ones in my yard.Booooo!
I thought of buying a chainsaw and doing it myself.Here's a pic from the back.And there are two more smaller ones.
Had the chainsaw going before 6am this morning....
No worries. I was fully awake by the time I started up and let 'er rip!
OP, after pricing out what guys charge for tree cutting and removal, believe me, you will do what I did. Run out and buy a Stihl chainsaw and let er rip. It'll be the best $300 you spent and its a blast.
Two hours,two chainsaws,4 pickups and three of my daughters buds got it all done in 2 hours......oh and a bunch of beers in my garage after.
Good times