Transit Tales-The Joys of Public Transit and Shared Spaces


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Couple of weeks ago I was on the Yonge subway going north at the end of the day. Train was full but not crowded.
A few seats down from me was a homeless looking man; great big guy, long straggly hair, bushy beard, filthy clothes, clutching a bottle in a paper LCBO bag. Directly across from him was a regular office drone, maybe 40, Docker-type pants, dress shirt, nothing special, except he's chewing gum like his life depends on it.
Homeless Guy gets up to disembark and leans over Office Drone: "Hey, close your mouth when you chew. Nobody wants to see that. That's disgusting."
Office Drone stares blankly up at Homeless Guy, still chewing.
Homeless Guy (louder and slowly): "Close. Your. Mouth. Do you understand? Do you speak English? Close your mouth when you chew."
Office Drone is still mute but he has stopped chewing.
Train is now pulling into the station, Homeless Guy has one last kick at the can: "Learn some manners when you're in public. Don't chew like that."
Homeless Guy gets off and a few seconds later, so does Office Drone, mouth welded shut.
I think the whole train was rooting for Homeless Guy; I know I was.
Last time I took the subway I walked by a dude getting arrested.. That's why I avoid the TTC and going to downtown in general :cool:
I'm with homeless guy if he tried to get himself off the street and started paying taxes.
Otherwise, I'll happily ignore loud-mouth-chewing tax-paying 40-year-old-virgin office-drone. Thank you vm.

Seen quite a few fist fights on the go train. Always entertaining. Especially when neither party speaks english. Kick his *** sea-bass!
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