Track days | Week of July 4th |

Track days | Week of July 4th


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Hey guys,

Does anyone know of any track days running the week of July 4th? I've looked at the track day calendar and things look pretty bleak.....

Please let me know if you know of anything. Thanks in advance.

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Friday sat but i don't get the 10 am start and the same price as 9 am start. WTF?

Both TMP ran days I attended everything ran an hour late - from marshals showing up, tech guys getting on premises etc. Maybe they have trouble getting out of bed and decided it would be better to start the day an hour later than get a ton of complaints about it.
I don't believe they have lunch though, so the track time should be the same. But if this means dicking around until 11 now before people get on track, I wouldn't be surprised.
Looks like TMP have just added a lapping day for this coming Sunday, July 3rd.
Too short a notice for me but thougt I'd let everyone know, I was notified by e-mail today

Edit. It's actually on Robs link above, my bad
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