Track Bike insurance


Well-known member
Ok so i bought another bike to ride on the street and my current street / track bike will now only be track. I like to have fire and theft only on the track bike but insurance companies won't do it. Any suggestions here on where I can find this insurance??
Just an update here. Evoex is correct. Call Kyle Brown at Dalton Timmins. 905-335-7445. They deal with a specialty company that will insure your bike, tools equipment etc for fire and theft at your location and trackside for a very reasonable rate.
Just an update here. Evoex is correct. Call Kyle Brown at Dalton Timmins. 905-335-7445. They deal with a specialty company that will insure your bike, tools equipment etc for fire and theft at your location and trackside for a very reasonable rate.
funny story, im still waiting for the quote after i mailed in the paperwork over a week ago. Kyle says the underwriter isn't returning his calls.

How are you getting on?
I received a quote and all i have to do is sign the paperwork and e-mail it in and I'm good. So he says. Also have to send in pictures
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