To California NOT by super highway. Suggestions welcomed


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Everyone I know who has ridden out to Colorado takes the 70 or 80 across.....I dont want to do that. I'm saying CO cause that's usually the destination when one rides out west but I'm continuing on.

I'm looking at my maps, to find the secondary highways ,2 laners, that will take me across. I see 24 and 36, that look like they pretty much go across. I realize I will have to do some up and downing to stay on but that's OK.

I'm going to slab it to fort Wayne then secondary from there. I dont want to be on the bike any more than 8 hours a day. Camping. With a motel in inclement weather.

Any suggestions on route, or campgrounds or funky stuff to see is appreciated.

Again, I'm not interested in just pounding it out on the super highway to Colorado Springs. It's exhausting and soul crushing and not how I want to do things. Yes, I know it's going to take longer but rather that than the above.

Anyway, and route and mileage suggestions, info and experiences greatly appreciated.

I'd get a good audio book and " pound it out" ...I find navigating those little towns and speed limite changes more tiring than slab especially with a throttle lock.
The non slab shows 2.5 hours longer and I'd suggest it's much more than that with speed limit changes and doing anything other than slab through Kansas City and St Lous might be a challenge but then easier to find camping.

If you can break the day up into three segments of 200 miles each leaving at dawn you'd be two days from Fort Wayne to Colorado Springs. My 2 cents..
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