Got my new tires from Petes. Can't find a shop that will install with wheels on the bike earlier than July 15.I don't have tools here in Hamilton. Ideas?
What there are ton's of Tools in Hamilton....Got my new tires from Petes. Can't find a shop that will install with wheels on the bike earlier than July 15.I don't have tools here in Hamilton. Ideas?
Bring them by I will help you change themGot my new tires from Petes. Can't find a shop that will install with wheels on the bike earlier than July 15.I don't have tools here in Hamilton. Ideas?
Seemed very happy to me. He's a good guy.How's Ted doing these days? I had been wondering about him
That's going to be a tough slog. Isn't a no-mar in that pricing ballpark? Let us know how it is if you play with one.Has anyone tried one of these?
Rabaconda Street Bike Tire Changer
Regularly switching between street tires and slicks? Fed up with regular trips to the dealership? Rabaconda Street Bike Tire Changer (Patent Pending) is the answer to your prayers: with this nifty tool, you’ll be able to throw on a fresh set of tires faster than it takes to get to the