Tire pressure fluctuations


Well-known member
When the temperature outside is really hot, at what point do you adjust your tire pressure? I check my tire pressure on a regular basis before rides and on really hot days it can be up several psi. I have read that if you adjust the tire pressure down you will be riding under inflated, I have also read that if you don’t adjust you will be over inflated! I also read that you need to empty the tires and put in summer air and winter air accordingly! Great idea! Amazon must sell that somewhere! Is there a tire pressure gauge that takes into account ambient temperature?
Adjust when cold to the owners manual specs. Your tires don't know if it's winter or summer.
Rule of thumb. Pressure should increase 10% after getting it up to temp. (30 min ride)
Tire pressure gauges register PSIG Pressure / Square Inch / Gauge. It's unusual for it to be significant for the average rider but if the barometric pressure drops the tire pressure reading will go up. If the barometric pressure goes up the tire pressure reading goes down.

I found out during a containment test on some fittings. I was expecting some leakage over the weekend but the readings went up. I called the weather office and they said I picked the wrong weekend for the test. There had been an extreme BP shift.

I wonder about a ride into the mountains.

You know those hermetically sealed bags of popcorn? Go flying in an unpressurized light aircraft and don't be surprised of they explode as you near 10,000 feet. Scares the crap out of the pilot.
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