Tips for insurance companies Ninja 250r 2010, 21 years old, 2 years* with TD |

Tips for insurance companies Ninja 250r 2010, 21 years old, 2 years* with TD

Hey all,

Was wondering if anyone had any tips for who I should check insurance with. I'm 21 with a ninja 250r 2010, I have one minor speeding infraction and I have been insured with TD for just under 2 years. I checked Statefarm and they will insure me for $1548 liability or $1896 full coverage. This is better than TD as they will do $2049 for liability, fire/theft (not even full coverage..) I live in Guelph, ON (not GTA). I've read the stickies over multiple times, just wondering if anyone's got any new information.

I'm a new rider, also with a 250, but I'm over 25. State Farm has given me the best quote so far (by a long shot) and I've tried pretty well everyone.

I hope you can find something better, but a $500 savings is still a big deal.
Update on my quotes

EDIT: Allstate $1108
Statefarm $1548
Riders plus $1847
EDIT: Aviva $1920 (through Paul South with Surnet)
TD $2049
John Duffy $2682
JD Smith $2542
RBC Needs m license and 3 years of insurance
Intact $2800

Full coverage
EDIT: Allstate: $1799
Statefarm $1896
EDIT: Aviva $2542 (through Paul South with Surnet)
John Duffy $2977
Intact $3117

-Having a minor speeding infraction increased my full coverage premium for intact by $600, statefarm barely gave a f***
-My statefarm quote was from Harry Kihs in Guelph, other statefarm agents wouldn't give me a quote because it hasn't been 5 years from G1 date, harry still did, and will start the process for the policy 1 month before 5 years on G1 date.
-Allstate running good numbers, would recommend contacting Kiran Sandhar in Guelph, he was really good and helpful and was trying to compete against my other rates with no bullsh*t
-Paul South was really helpful, sent me a pm on GTAM and I was on the phone with him in minutes, unfortunately had a higher rate but would recommend giving this guy a call

Looks like I'm going with Allstate until I'm older/have an m license.
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