Tips for fellow riders


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I was a "Cycle World Superstore" getting a pair of soft saddles and after paying, I am trying to jam these saddles in my backpack. I had my clear faceshield there so needed to find a place to put it.

The guy at the counter suggested that I should always put it around my waist, so I did! and omg that is easy, no space taken and it wont fall.

So tip for other riders who carry around a second faceshield, you can put it around your waist and it wont get on your way or take space in the backpack!

If you have any other tips then post here. If you already knew about it then that is great because I "Was not part of the class!" :D
I carried a license plate in my back pocket because I didn't want to carry a backpack JUST for the plate.
Had to return the previous owner's plate from St Catharines to Maple. Nice ride.
I keep one tinted face shield on the helmet, and a second clear one stuffed into an old sock and in my tank bag for night or inclement weather.
I wish I'd of known that a year ago. very smart.

now I have a transition shield though. BOOM! dark smoke -> clear.

one visor to rule them all!
I think some Joe Rocket Jackets, maybe others have a pocket in the back just for this
yes, knew about that... also, some jackets have an extra pocket that allows you to slip the visor into a inside side pocket that wraps around your upper torso.

... and I was not a part of that class either.
How about a parking tip...If you park in a parking spot make sure you are not so far in the spot that a car thinks it is unoccupied and boots into it and rams the bike. And never park behind a van, it will back into you. And don't pee into the wind.
Knox backpacks have a helmet bag, helmet straps and a visor shield cover that velcros into place inside the bag. Really neat. My old Joe Rocket jacket had the waist visor sleeve too.
^^^^ I can't wear a dark visor all the times, I like riding at night from the gym or a friends house .. Well I've never tried it either so yeah..

I would think just wearing sun glasses would be a lot easier then carrying a second visor
I need glasses to drive, so not an option.. I have transition lenses on my glasses but wont work with visor closed.

Where on your waist exactly..?
By your lower rib area.. left / right up to you. You need to be wearing your gear for it to stay there, at least in my case it does.

and nice parking tip, definitely good point!!
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