Three Wheelers. Wave or Not to Wave?


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So I was riding yesterday from the Forks with ninja650R on HWY 10 and we passed a guy on a Three-Wheel Motorcycle (First of all, in my opinion, its not a motorcycle). But regardless of my opinion, both ads, dealerships, and traffic regualtions, say it is a motorcycle. Wave? Or not?
So I was riding yesterday from the Forks with ninja650R on HWY 10 and we passed a guy on a Three-Wheel Motorcycle (First of all, in my opinion, its not a motorcycle). But regardless of my opinion, both ads, dealerships, and traffic regualtions, say it is a motorcycle. Wave? Or not?

Just ****ing wave at everyone. Even scooters, they are on two wheels, taking risks too.
So I was riding yesterday from the Forks with ninja650R on HWY 10 and we passed a guy on a Three-Wheel Motorcycle (First of all, in my opinion, its not a motorcycle). But regardless of my opinion, both ads, dealerships, and traffic regualtions, say it is a motorcycle. Wave? Or not?

Dude, are you serious? The answer is do whatever you want to do.

There is no rule book that states "you must wave at every motorcycle operator." This post is childish beyond belief.
The 3 wheel owner might be someone who for physical reasons can no longer do 2 wheels.I wave to everyone.Even the e-bikes sometimes.But they do piss me off tho.There was a group of six a few days ago riding 3 abreast in the bike lane,with grocery bags on the bars and bicycle helmet straps hanging down undone.No license,no insurance and no plates.Booooo!
2011 Wave Thread Count: +1
So I was riding yesterday from the Forks with ninja650R on HWY 10 and we passed a guy on a Three-Wheel Motorcycle (First of all, in my opinion, its not a motorcycle). But regardless of my opinion, both ads, dealerships, and traffic regualtions, say it is a motorcycle. Wave? Or not?

Why do you wave at all? That should answer your question.
Didn't your mother teach you anything? Three wheels obviously calls for three fingers, either all three at one time, or one three times in rapid succession.

shocker? :p
Llamas are bigger than frogs.

Osama bin Llama is watching...
wow...what a predicament
I have a FZ1, a scooter and a truck. I take the scooter for those short around town trips, and wave at all bikes out of habit, virtually none wave back. When I am on the FZ1, most wave back. Point is, just because it is a scooter does not mean the rider does not ride "real" bikes. And, I don't care whether you wave back or not, it is just something left over from the days when no one cared if you waved or not.
I was thinking about making a wave thread also but not for three wheelers.

Who here waves/nods/etc. at motorcycle cops?
Wave like Ric said cause you never know if they are riders that can't ride on two any more cause of physical issues. I wave or nod at everyone on a bike. Would wave to scooters but they don't even acknowlege you so I don't bother.
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