Thread Posting Etiquette


Well-known member

Maybe I'm just getting old, but I've noticed an unacceptable level of double posting/subject re-hash on this board. Some people don't seem to understand how the search function works.

In the interest of good public discourse, I've dug up a video from 2005 which should help clarify things.
Now all someone needs to do is teach me proper replying etiquette & my life would be complete son

'If I was educated I'd be a dam fool'
This is my signature
Peace out
Emily Post might have something to say about this. Do you see what I did there? I'll show myself out.......
At 65 posts GTAM must feel really repetitive...

Wait till you have a few years... some even develop multiple personalities.
The search function on this forum sucks too, doesn't help
The search function on this forum sucks too, doesn't help

It could work flawlessly and noobs still wouldn't use it. what kind of oil should I use? A busa is a good first bike right? Fill coolant and go to the track. . Do I need gear or not? Etc etc. :D

I'm here for the lolz and because cutekill is my family
It could work flawlessly and noobs still wouldn't use it. what kind of oil should I use? A busa is a good first bike right? Fill coolant and go to the track. . Do I need gear or not? Etc etc. :D

I'm here for the lolz and because cutekill is my family

Didn't know you guys were related
We're not. She was my roommate and just treats me like family. Her husband and I worked together and have the same first name hence the screen name.
We're not. She was my roommate and just treats me like family. Her husband and I worked together and have the same first name hence the screen name.

Got ya
Why am I always the last to know these things?
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