Thoughts on this bike?

That all depends. I've always insured my bikes with state farm. I always bring the bike to them and the nice lady comes out and takes a picture of the bike and then puts it on their file. From there I can go and do whatever the hell I want to the bike and for the most part no one is any the wiser. All that being said, I'm fairly confident you can find insurance for the bike just by saying its a DRZ400. If by some chance, one day you are involved in a terrible motor vehicle collision, or you strike and kill a pedestrian. That is the time when your insurance might just drop the hammer on you and not cover it. I know for a fact State Farm + others have paid out claims to people who had taken stock Honda Civics and put a Prelude engine in them and then cracked up the car, writing the whole thing off and getting a cheque from them at the end of the day. I think in that case you would be out whatever cash you paid for your upgrades.

My two cents, that bike looks pretty cool, if you can talk him down to $4800-5000 I think you would have yourself a great deal, $5,500 isn't outrageous considering what has been done to it. That bike would give you 10,000km of fun before you get completely bored, and hopefully in that time very minimal mechanical upkeep.
If you feel you have to tell the insurance co. that the bike has a big bore kit,call first and see how much it
would cost you.For a 2005 its a little on the pricey side,maybe $4000-4200 and ripping off all the graphic kit can be done for free.t;)
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Too bad they used an Ice Cube kit. The athena and cylinder works kits look exactly the same as OEM so the only way insurance could tell is by taking apart the motor which will never happen.

With all the motor upgrades done to it it would be all kinds of fun. I'd look into the reliability of that setup because 50+ HP on a DRZ motor is getting into sketchy territory. It needs an MRD/SSW pipe on it, as the Akra will be holding the whole setup back. The graphics need to go imo.

The price isn't terrible considering it's low mileage and the mods done to it.
I bought an 09 this spring with all the usual upgrades - BB, MRD/SSW, carb, cams, bars, levers, etc. same kms, $5K. I'd say 4500-5000 would be on point for that one.

I would pull the graphics as well - ugly + heat score, but I never had any issues when I was riding politely. The issue with SM is you rarely find yourself riding politely!!

I didn't mention the mods and I'm paying 400 a year, full ride.
I would look at this one just because I would be expecting to be pulled over every 10 minutes (based on the look) on the one you showed.

Those two bikes are quite a bit different.

Just take off those horrible graphics, and throw on something not so crazy and you wouldn't be such a heat score.

If I had a SM, I would do it up just like my race bike, numbers and all... But, I'm not responsible enough to own a SM and keep both wheels on the ground.
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You'd probably win the bidding war, max I'd spend on a used DRZ like this is $4500 (simply because it has most of the mods I'd do already done to it).

I'd take the ugly graphics off, but that's about it. I don't mind my bike being a heat score since I'm responsible enough to not get pulled over all the time.

Going to have to pass on this one until the buyer gets desperate to sell, since he said the price is pretty much firm at $5500
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Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks the graphics suck. I was beginning to think idiotic stickers were a prerequisite for dirtbikes.
Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks the graphics suck. I was beginning to think idiotic stickers were a prerequisite for dirtbikes.

Yeah, I hate looking at graphics and feeling like I'm about to have a seizure.
I had an opportunity to have a bit of a small sponsorship from a Canadian company, but their designs are just crazy so I went with another deal with a company that produces some stuff that actually looks like the designer wasn't on LSD.
I looked long at hard at DRZ Sm's, especially looking for ones with a big bore kit or some other mods done to the end i said eff it and bought a KTM 640 Supermoto....its already got extra 125cc....
Ah, but you're old enough to not get raped by insurance premiums... I have to stay under 500cc just to get rates which are barely affordable.
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