Thomas Mulcair Gone :(


Well-known member
Just saw this on the web.

Too bad. I really liked this guy. I personally thought he had by far the best platform during the Canadian Federal Election last year. I also though he was head and shoulders above the other two.

All the best for the future Tom.
Fully agree with everything said. I really liked that he brought the NDP a little more centrist for those of us with centrist points of view who didn't like the Liberal platform.

Fear of Harper killed Mulcair last election not policy or leadership.
He'll bounce back. One of the best Question Period performers I have ever seen.
Sadly it looks to me like the NDP may be making a hard left turn putting them back into fringe party territory. Too many members would rather just make noise and stick to their dogma than win an election.
Sadly it looks to me like the NDP may be making a hard left turn putting them back into fringe party territory. Too many members would rather just make noise and stick to their dogma than win an election.

Yep, looks that way. They're going to realize the error of their ways come the next election when they obtain fewer seats than the Rhino Party.
I voted Liberal for 20 years but voted for Tom in the last election. I liked him. I though he was more in tune with actual leftest liberal values than Trudeau was.

I also thought he was very professional. He didn't piss over everyone like Harper and Trudeau did in their US style attack ads.

I just hope the NDP choose to build on this and not return to fringe party policies
He was great. Did really well in this interview on vice.

Just saw this on the web.

Too bad. I really liked this guy. I personally thought he had by far the best platform during the Canadian Federal Election last year. I also though he was head and shoulders above the other two.

All the best for the future Tom.

The only problem is that it was a Liberal platform he ran on. That has resulted in backlash within the party.
Right guy for the country, wrong party at the time.
I found him to be smart, thoughtful, considerate, and open minded/ reasonable.

We are becoming polarized like the US voters, slowly...
NDP had easily the best, and most balanced, and logical platform in the last election. Unfortunately, moderation doesn't get people's emotions firing, which is what most people seem to vote based on. Hence, our leadership keeps sea sawing between the left and right every few years. And yes, last election was basically Harper again or no Harper. I think a lot of people didn't even care who they voted for as long as it got Harper out and Liberal was the surer bet for that. Democracy has it's drawbacks I guess. Gotta respect everyone else's votes, even if I think they're idiots.
I've voted NDP once in my life, and that was in the last federal election. Smart guy - hopefully he ends up doing something that makes him content.
Sorry to see this.

I agree with most of what was said above and have a tremendous amount of respect for the man. I always though he was a man of principal and moral fibre.

I think we shot ourselves in the foot not electing him. He was head and shoulders above Trudeau and Harper

My big fear is that the NDP has a knee jerk reaction and jumps 10 steps to the left.
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