This.... is ART?

The song is "art" although not the original. Leo Delibes Viens Mallika.

If it made you react in any way then it is "art" as well.

You don't have to like it or even understand it....

I assume it's some body image bit but I couldn't be bothered to give it any real thought.

Not my cup of.... vomit.
A little warning would have been nice!
Difference between art and porno...a government grant!
Art is of course in the eye of the beholder. In my eye, the process is nasty, the result pedestrian.
I never knew i was an artist.. too bad most of my art consists of beer and pieces of chicken wings.
End product looks alright, process made me a bit sick. People at the forefront of any medium seem out of their mind, but u never know. Not a big fan of this tho.
art ppl are weird
She would look better gagging on something else. :rolleyes:
She would look better gagging on something else. :rolleyes:


Although I don't have the 'stomach' it seems to watch his video based on some of the comments already made.......

To the OP, how does one stumble upon this sort of stuff??? Lol
She seems to be well versed in her technique. Must have had lots of practice. And with that thought, it's amazing her figure is as desirable as it is. But her teeth and esophagus will be rough around the edges :(
NOT ART. They can try and make themselves look all artistic with a white backdrop but a stripper gagging on paint is not art. next time just piss on a canvas and call vag-ism!
I hope she's not getting a government subsidy.

I was gonna say, there's art, and then there's collecting art grants.

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