Thinking of buying this bike...any red flags? |

Thinking of buying this bike...any red flags?

Bike looks clean enough .. he did use the tank pad protectors improperly, and i swap out those tires. But thats just me ..
Other than the crappy grips on the sides of the tank, it looks like a clean bike.
Price needs to be worked on though... But that's up to you and how much you're willing to pay for it.
Nothing fishy there...
Thanks guys... yea I would take those grips and stickers off..i was just a bit worried about the age of it and if the mileage has been tampered with but I will go see it and see what happens
Bike looks clean enough .. he did use the tank pad protectors improperly, and i swap out those tires. But thats just me ..

There are no legal laws on where stick on tank protectors can be applied. The person that installed the 3 bag scratch protectors on this bike must have had big balls to need 3! :lmao:

By the looks of the fork tubes sticking up so far above the top triple clamp I wonder if the whole bike has been lowered or just the front end.

Maxxis makes some good tires and are an old tire manufacturer and still strong in Europe. I do not know about the ones on this bike.

If it really has 18,000 kms the price is a tad high for a 2003 but an ok starting point based on the good look in the picture.

Good luck. To bad its a Kawi. Lol.
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There are no legal laws on where stick on tank protectors can be applied. The person that installed the 3 bag scratch protectors on this bike must have had big balls to need 3! :lmao:

By the looks of the fork tubes sticking up so far above the top triple clamp I wonder if the whole bike has been lowered or just the front end.

Maxxis makes some good tires and are an old tire manufacturer and still strong in Europe. I do not know about the ones on this bike.

If it really has 18,000 kms the price is a tad high for a 2003 but an ok starting point based on the good look in the picture.

Good luck. To bad its a Kawi. Lol.

Thanks tips. I was quoting a law on "placement of the tank protectors" .. i was stating it looks like ****.
Thanks tips. I was quoting a law on "placement of the tank protectors" .. i was stating it looks like ****.

Hopefully everyone realized I was just partially joking about a law and the placement of stickers/tank protectors. It is the boring winter time.

I agree it looks like ****.
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Maybe his kids were strapped to the side of it and didn't want scratches
Kidding aside...3500-3800 max would be a good buy on this IMO
The person who put on the rim tape should have tried a third or fourth time.
seems kind of expensive for an 03
normal 'ontario price' imo.

I would offer $3k and settle on 3.5

At 3k I'd consider it. I'm thinking of buying a 3k 600 for the street. Prices are stupid there's a 40k CBR in st Catherine's guy wants 3700 for it and it's an 02. Wtf ?!?
By the looks of the fork tubes sticking up so far above the top triple clamp I wonder if the whole bike has been lowered or just the front end.

If it really has 18,000 kms the price is a tad high for a 2003 but an ok starting point based on the good look in the picture.

it HAS to be lowered in the back, otherwise the steering geometry would try to kill you on a minute by minute basis. I've never seen forks raised that high, the forks probably would bottom out under even moderately hard riding, but it's probably never seen that. I also wouldnt buy a 9 year old bike that had less then 18k on it, sitting tends to do more damage then being ridden.

At 18k its due for a valve inspection, and probably needs every fluid replaced as it seems like the owner is a useless sod. I'd keep looking
At 3k I'd consider it. I'm thinking of buying a 3k 600 for the street. Prices are stupid there's a 40k CBR in st Catherine's guy wants 3700 for it and it's an 02. Wtf ?!?

I'd offer 2k on cbr and make him hustle :p

makes me sad thinking what I could get for my 04 zx6r... 70+k on the dial and counting

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