Thinking about downsizing....anyone done it? | Page 9 |

Thinking about downsizing....anyone done it?

They also have the benefit of looking good.

I have chrome roll bars, a [FONT=&quot]Cobra Bolt-On Tachometer [/FONT] in the middle of the handle bar yoke, sissy bar, luggage holder, gps, bug shield, [FONT=&quot]Mustang Two-Piece Wide Touring Seat Vintage with Backrest , [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Cobra Boulevard Front Floorboards.
The bike looks really good and performs well.
I like to purposely belittle the bikes performance because it makes the days of the "go big or go home", "you need 1500cc to go on the highway" [/FONT]
guys on the board.
In that respect at least I go to bed nites happy in the fact that I made somebody's day a bit better.
When I did my first North American tour on a CB750 it was considered big (the biggest) for a metric bike.
Passed plenty of 18-wheelers on a CB750 then and on a heavier Shadow 750 last week and was never blown around on the road like a leaf like I was told was going to happen.
The only thing I noticed getting back on the road after several decades is the mad cap, aggressive drivers of vehicles of from 2 - 18 wheels.
I'm sure some heavy truck drivers don't even bother looking before they turn onto the road from an intersection.
After my first coupla weeks back riding my anticipatory skills have been honed to their former razor sharp acuity.
I've decide that the Shadow Spirit 750 is the bike for me.
I have no intention of downsizing or upsizing anytime soon.
I ride a 125 and don't get blown around and pass 80% of vehicles on the highway, if not more.

Edit: Nevermind, just realized I've already mentioned that in this thread. Oops.
I ain't gonna lie, I would love a sleep number bed.

I am sure they are great. I just needed some material to signify age and that was the first thing to pop to mind. I should have said craftmatic bed as that was at least from a few decades back.
When a baby is born, it is all wet with amniotic fluid. So, still wet behind the ears implies not long since birth, still young.

My guess is that this saying originated from farmers checking their fields/barns for newborn calves.

I was playing around, I already knew it. Still though that little phrase is probably too out of date as a good euphemism today.

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