The Kleb


Well-known member
Introducing The Kleb. Snowcat got boring, Baron Von Grumble got old and boring, this guy is hilarious. Kinda hyper / high energy, but quite funny. A US Marine as well! Love the sound of his R1. Have a look.

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I've been watching his stuff for a month or two now. The stuff he puts up is hilarious.

His new video on the little kids bike is great.
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Introducing The Kleb. Snowcat got boring, Baron Von Grumble got old and boring, this guy is hilarious. Kinda hyper / high energy, but quite funny. A US Marine as well! Love the sound of his R1. Have a look.

The fleeting fame of a YouTube sensation.. Also Fawk #slowcat. Nothing but a self-entitled hypocrite snowflake, from day one.

On the other hand, I always enjoyed BvG and his ranty musing as he braved a ludicrous commute into London. With "getting old", he dropped the dead weight (wife), moved shop outta the city, and started a moto mag type channel which should have actual staying power (44teeth).

Got boring, or got with it? Vloggers are dime a dozen these days. Same **** different pile. Find me one that isn't stale 6 months later.
What? No channel about guy who moved to China & complain how deplorable the place is?
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