Thank you Alpinestars |

Thank you Alpinestars


Well-known member
For saving my left foot...

On my way back from Guelph towards Etobicoke, took the ramp onto 401 and started upshifting like I usually would while gaining speed.
Was on my 4th gear when reaching 100 and decided to move into 5th when all of a sudden I felt a solid WHACK against my left foot. Felt like a sledgehammer to the front of my foot. Took me a moment to realize what happened.

I was around 1 Mississippi behind a car (or cuv - cant remember) when I noticed a substantial black bulge on the road as soon the vehicle in front of me went over it. I had less than a second to react because by the time it registered in my brain, it hit my left riding boot.

I had 3-4 tractor trailers around me along with a couple of pickup trucks...decided to keep riding while waiting for the shock to subside and pain to set in.
2 minutes pass and apart form the throbbing sensation and shock, no other pain sets in.
Could've sworn with the impact at that heavy object on the road (didnt appear to move either when my shoe hit it) I would've fractured the bones in atleast 3 toes and the front portion of the metatarsal area:


Strangely, there was no damage to the bike or gear shift lever - however I suspect my riding shoe hit the object when I was going to shift into the 5th gear:


I would've never thought of a situation such as this but am grateful to have been wearing proper riding shoes at the time. It appears to have taken majority of the impact:


No bleeding, broken bones or damaged nails on my end - however I do have a bit of a sprain thanks to the foot being over extended while resting on the foot peg when it hit that object. Thankfully the ankle support helped mitigate it somewhat.
I know for sure it was not a piece of tire. Couldnt say if it was raised tarmac edge or a heavy rock from the highway 401 widening project taking place over the boundary/edge. Didnt see any other cars hit it when I looked back in the mirror either.
I suspect this was because it was centered in the middle lane away from the tire tracks.

It was my stupidity really - not keeping atleast 2 Mississippi's distance away from the vehicle in front of me. Super glad to be alive. Had my front wheel hit the object I would either be crushed, severely paralyzed or dead as I dont think my shoei rf-1200 can withstand the weight of fully loaded tractor trailer tires lol.

For those wondering - the black object was somewhere on this stretch of road:


Stay vigilant and safe out there people. Always wear your gear - you never know what the hell will happen and when...

Now time to get some new riding gear lol
Gravel trucks and dump trucks are a menace along that stretch. They drive through muddy sites and then get right on the highway flinging whatever they picked up with their cavernous tires and fenders.

Wouldn't surprise me if it was a rock or broken piece of asphalt. I would think at 100 even a softball sized one could feel like that?

Good outcome to see. Are you sure you don't need x-rayed?
I was doing about 130 in my old Mercedes 300 and hit something on the northern part of the 404 late at night that made the whole front end jump.
Ended up with a 3-4" dent in the right front wheel. No idea what is was but expensive repair on a bike might have been deadly.
Glad you are okay OP.

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