Temperance street parking | GTAMotorcycle.com

Temperance street parking


New member
Just a heads up for those who park here. As of today, they have drastically reduced (down to about 6 car spots) the street parking between Bay & Yonge, and have made it one-way (going eastbound). Looks like it will be this way for at least the balance of the year, due to construction.
Actually.... There is no parking at all on the street.

I had to park there at 4pm and was really confused as to which way to point my truck (parallel park on the opposite side).

I spoke with the parking cop and he told me they had just put the no stopping signs up last night so he was issuing tickets (60 bucks). I ended up not paying for parking and taking the 60 dollar ticket instead parked in the legitimate parking zone. When I came back to my truck there was another ticket for 30 bucks for fail to display on top of the other ticket... ********.

So in total 90 dollars to park on Temperance today for 3hrs.

The parking signs will be removed some time this week probably.

It was funny watching 100's of cars driving the wrong direction on the now one way street.

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They're building a sister tower for the Bay and Adelaide Centre; Temperance will be a mess for a good, long while. Which sucks. I used to be able to see my biked parked there from the office :(
I've noticed a lot of bikes park in the alleyway at Sheraton. It clearly says no parking but i don't see anyone having problems parking their bikes there. I've parked there once myself.
Me? In the B&A Centre, facing East. Get to watch the work being done from the perfect view :p

I'm in the Plaza. The closest I get to that construction is the noise I hear in the concourse when I get coffee every morning at Marche.
Saw couple of bikes parked there today but the whole street it blocked off. Cops are watching both sides.
Went over and talked to the nice cop lady - she said she was letting bikes in today at her own discretion but it is not guaranteed to last.
I think it's done :( Went by around 7:30 and no bike in sight but orange cones all the way down the street.

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