Taking bike off road to go fishing?


New member
Hey there,

I'm planning on fishing this summer and going out to remote fishing locations in Ontario where I do not feel safe leaving the bike in certain parking areas. I'd rather just take the bike down to the water with me as if I was going on a bicycle.

Is this allowed? If not what's the best way to ensure it doesn't get stolen (beside not taking the bike out).
What kind of bike are we talking about? Some bikes can be left out anywhere and they never get stolen. Just depends if the bike is popular with thieves and chop shops. For instance I rode a Yamaha Virago 1100 for years and could leave that bike anywhere and never worry about it getting stolen. Not much of a market for Virago parts. The bike was made for a decade with no changes and they never broke down.

As for driving the bike up to the water side, I'm willing to bet that would land you a ticket for something. Best advice is a decent disc lock, perhaps with an alarm.
As long as there are no signs prohibiting motorized vehicles , and you can safely get a bike in and out then I would.
As long as there are no signs prohibiting motorized vehicles , and you can safely get a bike in and out then I would.

I agree.
If there's a nice trail wide enough for you to wiggle through and you don't ride in the woods like a tool, I don't see a problem.
If some ranger comes by and asks, just tell him the truth that you came here on your bike and don't want it stolen/vandalized, that's all.

If there's a sign that specifically prohibits motorized vehicles, you could get some sort of ticket though.
I did that years ago with dirt bikes.
One of my favourites was Moon River Basin off of 12 Mile Bay Road near MacTier.
Another good one is Lingham Lake near Madoc.
These are logging roads.
Be prepared for blackflies.
packed dirt or gravel is pretty easy going even on street tires. its large loose gravel and mud I'd avoid, but even that you can go slowly over. I'm really not to sure how many potential bike thieves check are checking out of the way backwoods fishing holes. Sure the risk is low but how often is their a pay off.

Full gear and a balaclava (wick sweat kind) works pretty well at protecting from bugs too I found.
I was asked for my OFTR proof once while on crownland. Aside from that, I have to bring my bike since all the fishing gear's mounted on it.
I was asked for my OFTR proof once while on crownland. Aside from that, I have to bring my bike since all the fishing gear's mounted on it.

I really hate our modern gov't and big brother state we live in. wow.. I'm quickly realizing that there's now a licens for everything. Even a freaking OFTR.. it never suprises me.

Next thing you know you're going to need a license (aka - gov't shakedown for cash) to let our your freaking cat out of the house or walk your dog.
I really hate our modern gov't and big brother state we live in. wow.. I'm quickly realizing that there's now a licens for everything. Even a freaking OFTR.. it never suprises me.

Next thing you know you're going to need a license (aka - gov't shakedown for cash) to let our your freaking cat out of the house or walk your dog.

Well as far as the OFTR is concerned, I believe that your license or fee or whatever goes towards maintaining those trails that you are using. Do you think people work for free? Do you? You may disagree with the price, but how could you disagree with the fee. I don't understand.

You need to have your pets licensed and declare them on you home insurance. Well dogs anyway.

Are you serious?

Yes he is serious. First for licensing them. That goes towards Animal Control to help and prosecute those sick F's that abuse animals. Also it would go towards NOT putting down your dog, should he get lost and found.

You declare them on your home insurance so that IF they bite someone, YOU won't have to pay the settlement WHEN the victim sues you.

Again, you can disagree with the amounts, but people don't work for free.
Well as far as the OFTR is concerned, I believe that your license or fee or whatever goes towards maintaining those trails that you are using. Do you think people work for free? Do you? You may disagree with the price, but how could you disagree with the fee. I don't understand.
Yes he is serious. First for licensing them. That goes towards Animal Control to help and prosecute those sick F's that abuse animals. Also it would go towards NOT putting down your dog, should he get lost and found.
You declare them on your home insurance so that IF they bite someone, YOU won't have to pay the settlement WHEN the victim sues you.
Again, you can disagree with the amounts, but people don't work for free.
You sir must be a conservative ;)
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